Thursday, January 29, 2009

Week of February 2-6

Monday--Vocabulary Test Chapter 7, Review for Chapter Test 7-4 to 7-6 (page 503, 506-507)

Tuesday--Test 7-4 to 7-6

Wednesday--8-1 Similarity in Right Triangles P. 521 15-29, 47-49, 54-62

Thursday--Similar Triangles Worksheets 2 and 3--HOUSE PROJECTS DUE!

Friday--8-2 Trig Ratios p. 529 22-50

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Students were given their 4th six weeks Geometry project today. They are going to design their own house. Students were given an overview of the project and a large piece of graph paper. Students were given $200,000 to spend on building a house. They must choose which size of land they will buy and have their floor plan drawn out complete with a scale, dimensions of each room, and labels on each room by Friday, January 23rd. Students will then have to complete various calculations using area and volume formulas. The entire project will be due on Thursday, Feb. 5th. Early bird (WOW) points will be awarded if the project is turned in before the actual due date. A maximum of 5 WOW points will be awarded.

One day early--1 point
Two days early--2 points
Three days early--3 points
Four days early--4 points
Five or more days early--5 points

The project is a test grade worth a maximum of 105 points.

Anyone needing help with the project, please feel free to come in for help.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Week of January 5, 2009

Jan 6th--went over 6-1--Assigned p. 386 16-28, 30-42(x3), 53-55, 60-66 (x3)

Jan 7th--grade 6-1--went over 6-2 p. 395 15-25, 33-42(x3), 51-53

Jan 8th--graded 6-2--went over 6-4, Assigned p. 412 10-16, 18-30(x3), 45-47

Jan 9th--graded 6-4--went over 6-6--Assigned p. 433 13-22, 24-36(x3), 47-49

Monday--January 12th--Vocabulary Test 6-1, 2, 4, and 6 and polygon--Review for test

Tuesday--January 13th Test over 6-1, 2, 4, and 6

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Week of 11/24

Monday--We are still working on completing Chapter 5 Section 7 on The Pythagorean Theorem. This concept is one of the top five concepts tested on the TAKS test. Students will be constructing triangles of various sizes with straws and use their knowledge of the Pythagorean Theorem to classify the triangle.

Tuesday--We will grade the assignment for 5-7 and begin working on Chapter 5 Section 8.

Wednesday--Students will have a short Vocabulary Test over Chapter 4 Sections 1, 2, 3, and 8 and Chapter 5 Sections 7 and 8.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Week of 11/17

Monday--Students graded their homework for Chapter 4 Section 3. Any student who completed the Intervention worksheets were given the opportunity to check their work. Each student worked on the Ready to go on? p. 239 while the teachers checked answers and answered questions. Students worked on the individual sections 4-1, 4-2, and 4-3 as review for their test.

Tuesday--Test over Chapter 4 Sections1, 2, and 3.

Wednesday--Chapter 4 Section 8--Isosceles and Equilateral Triangles

Thursday--Chapter 5 Section 7--The Pythagorean Theorem

Friday--Chapter 5 Section 8--Applying Special Right Triangles

Looking Ahead to Next Week--

Monday--Review over 4-8, 5-7 and 5-8

Tuesday--Test over 4-8, 5-7, and 5-8

Monday, November 10, 2008

Week of 11/10

Monday--Finish up TAKS Benchmark Questions--Use Study Island (topics: slopes and intercepts, writing equations)

Tuesday--Chapter 4-1 Triangles--Classifying Triangles according to angles and sides Page 219 12-22 and Problem Solving Worksheet 4-1

Wednesday--Chapter 4-2--Angle Relationships in Triangles--Triangle Sum Theorem and corollaries, Exterior Angle Theorem, Third Angles Theorem p. 228 15-22, 29-32, and Problem Solving Worksheet 4-2

Thursday--Chapter 4-3--Congruent Triangles--naming corresponding parts, using corresponding parts of congruent triangles, proving triangles congruent--p. 235 13-25, 31-34, 38-45

Friday--Multi-Step TAKS Prep p. 238 and review 4-1 to 4-3--Do Ready to go on? in class and do intervention, if needed.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Week of 11/3

Monday--Used Spring 2004 TAKS Released test--Broke questions up into categories:
Verbal description of equation or process/Compute to find the answer
Table, graph, chart, or illustration in Question/Answer/Both/Neither
Construction Project is due!

Tuesday--Student analysis of benchmark results

Wednesday--Pass Party--Possibly use study island

Thursday--continue with Benchmark analysis if needed or start Chapter 4--Triangles

Friday--Chapter 4 Triangles