Thursday, January 15, 2009


Students were given their 4th six weeks Geometry project today. They are going to design their own house. Students were given an overview of the project and a large piece of graph paper. Students were given $200,000 to spend on building a house. They must choose which size of land they will buy and have their floor plan drawn out complete with a scale, dimensions of each room, and labels on each room by Friday, January 23rd. Students will then have to complete various calculations using area and volume formulas. The entire project will be due on Thursday, Feb. 5th. Early bird (WOW) points will be awarded if the project is turned in before the actual due date. A maximum of 5 WOW points will be awarded.

One day early--1 point
Two days early--2 points
Three days early--3 points
Four days early--4 points
Five or more days early--5 points

The project is a test grade worth a maximum of 105 points.

Anyone needing help with the project, please feel free to come in for help.

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